empiraa for startups

Create a plan that gets you kicking goals in minutes

An image of a man holding a light bulb to represent a Founder with a Startup idea

Keep your Startup on track and headed towards your North Star with a plan that keeps you accountable.

Have your 'why' front of mind

Setting up Empiraa means setting up your vision statement and core values. This may be your first chance to properly articulate your 'WHY' and the reason you have created your business. As a cloud-based platform, you can keep those values close, to continually remind yourself of what you are trying to achieve and help give you some perspective in challenging times.

Keep aligned to your North Star

Empiraa will keep you on track and focused on what matters. Too often Founders get pulled in so many directions that you lose track of your 'North star'. Create your core pillars of focus and then break them down into actionable objectives and tasks that are simple and achievable. Empiraa takes the complexity out of things and simplifies the process for a powerful game plan.

Share your vision with those you need it

Having a fully formed plan that tracks your progress is a great tool to engage potential investors. It allows you to show where you have come from, where you are now and where you are going. Show exactly how you plan to use funds for growth and your disciplined mindset to building your business. Our customers have had great success using Empiraa to secure funding.

Features that make a real difference


Powerful features to supercharge your productivity

Start your planning habits now so you can get to executing earlier

Hear what other Founders are saying

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I like that Empiraa allows me to break down my big, long-term goals into smaller and achievable ones. It’s really hard to figure out what to focus on when you are just beginning in business and I feel like this gives me direction and focus. Not only that, but I can adapt my goals and switch things up when my direction pivots slightly.

Design Agency Founder
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Empiraa was perfect for helping me turn my startup ideas into actionable items and to keep on track to my big goals. This is the first piece of tech that has really worked for me to plan ahead compared to some other platforms like Asana and Notion that I tried in the past which didn’t allow for that bigger picture thinking I was after, or were too difficult.

Startup Founder

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